A Strategic Conversation on Christ

in Our Cultural Context

November 29-December 1, 2023

The Worthington | Fort Worth, Texas

An exclusive, invitation-only gathering of Christian leaders and influencers. Hosted by Barna, powered by Gloo, in partnership with He Gets Us and The Come and See Foundation.

What is the Jesus Now Summit?


Join with Christian thought leaders and practitioners for a two-day, invitation-only, conversational gathering.

Interactive Input

Provide interactive input for ongoing initiatives such as He Gets Us and The Come and See Foundation. Offer focused feedback on how to fan the flames of these catalytic efforts at the national, city and organizational level.

Insights and Contrasts

Gain an insider look at exclusive data and real time learnings from key Jesus initiatives shaping our missional context today, and discover how you can engage and collaborate with these campaigns for synergistic impact.


Enjoy time for prayer, reflection and conversation on how to leverage storytelling to reclaim the good name of Jesus and inspire fresh faith among the spiritually curious and religiously neutral.


Collaborative friendship building to partner together on gospel-centered mission

Why the Jesus Now Summit?

Who do Americans say that Jesus is—today, right now in our cultural moment? What are the current opportunities and challenges of bringing the transformative power of the Gospel to our society, especially in the new digital commons of truth-seeking?

We believe there are both evangelism opportunities and discipleship opportunities. We need to learn how to “speak” persuasively about Jesus with cultural relevance to hearts and minds today, while still needing the tools to deeply form souls that represent a countercultural way of life. The good news is that the U.S. still contains a rare combination of spiritual openness, soulful diversity and redemptive Christian heritage, things we can build upon.

However that window of opportunity is closing fast, and the major disruptions of the last few years may have cracked open this window in certain ways and helped to hasten its closing in others.

To help reorient the Christian response to and the Christian language around those opportunities, Barna is hosting a strategic, invite-only gathering in Fort Worth on November 29—December 1, 2023.

What Can I Expect as a Participant of the Jesus Now Summit?

By joining, you can expect to:


in a strategically selected group of Christian leaders united to advance Jesus’ reputation in our world


fresh language and an insider update on significant research on the perceptions of Jesus today


more about how storytelling can be used to reclaim the reputation of Jesus, understand spiritual explorers and connect with today’s young people.


and provide input on several major initiatives underway, including the He Gets Us campaign and Barna’s Explorer Initiative


your best, most passionate ideas to share and get collaborative feedback from our engaged community


your vision for ministry in the next season through time for safe conversations, inviting meals and worship together

Gathering Details

The Worthington Renaissance Fort Worth Hotel

200 Main Street, Fort Worth, TX, 76102 US

Accommodations and meals are compliments of the contributing partners. All travel and transportation plans must be made individually. Invitations are not transferrable. Please let us know whether or not you can attend by filling in the RSVP form below.

To learn more about The Worthington Renaissance Hotel, see more photos here.


Please plan for your own flights and ground transportation for the duration of the event. We have intentionally chosen a location that is easily accessible via ride-sharing services, taxis, etc.


What sets the Jesus Now Summit apart from other events I could attend?

Research has revealed that the Church today is oftentimes missing the mark when it comes to understanding and reaching the unchurched, skeptical and spiritually curious. Attend the Jesus Now Summit, a gathering grounded in reliable research, to learn what these people really need and long for from the Church and to speak into this important movement.

Who is invited to this event?

This is an exclusive, strategically-selected group of around 100 influential Christian leaders, representing the full scope of the Church today. You have been thoughtfully chosen to be a part of this momentous summit. Attendees will be among the first leaders to hear groundbreaking research findings on the modern-day landscape of the unchurched and to offer their valuable input into the He Gets Us Campaign and Barna Explorer initiative.

Can I bring my spouse?

Yes, you can. Space for this gathering and the meal times is limited, so we’d like for those attending the gathering times and all meals to be fully participating. If you are planning to bring a spouse, please fill out the appropriate details on the RSVP form so we know their name, and if they have any dietary restrictions.

Can I send a delegate?

Unfortunately, no. This is a unique invitation for the event. If you have questions, reach out to our team directly at [email protected]

Do I book my own transportation?

Yes, please plan for your own flights and ground transportation for the duration of the event. We have intentionally chosen a location that is easily accessible via ride-sharing services, taxis, etc.

Do I need to reserve my own lodging?

Yes, you will need to register for the hotel separately, from the event registration.

Register Here for the Worthington Renaissance Hotel

The organizing partners are offering complimentary room and board during the event schedule (Wednesday-Thursday nights). Please note that credit card information will be collected for incidentals.

How do I get to the hotel?

We will be unable to provide pick up from the airport, so please arrange your own rides to and from the airport.

What if I need to leave early / arrive late?

We understand things happen. Please keep in mind when RSVPing that space is limited and we’d like for those attending to be fully participating. If you or your spouse will be unable to stay for the entire gathering, please let us know in the RSVP form in the open response section at the bottom. If your plans change after completing the RSVP form, you can email our team at [email protected] to notify us of this change.

Will meals be provided?

Yes, we will provide all meals for you during your time with us. If you or your spouse have any dietary restrictions, please note this on the RSVP form or email our team.

What if I have dietary restrictions?

We are happy to accommodate any dietary restrictions you have. Please list any / all of these in the RSVP form.

What is the attire for the event?

There is no dress code for this event. Feel free to wear whatever you’d like. 

Schedule – Day One



Arrival & Check-in


4:00 - 6:45pm

Main Session






Rooftop Connect

Schedule – Day Two






Main Session



Working Groups






Siesta Time!



Main Session






Rooftop Connect

Schedule – Day Three






Main Session



Grab & Go Lunch

“The opportunity for the Church to meet tens of millions of spiritually curious people right where they are right now has never been so great – or more urgent. Together, we can reimagine the future of ministry together, based on the ancient truths and an understanding of the present perceptions of Jesus and the future direction of the Church.”

David Kinnaman

CEO, Barna Group