Global 2033
Henry Cappello
Originally from Malta, lived with his wife and with their two children in Malta, Manila, USA and Italy. Lectured and ministered in more than 80 countries, and visited China more than 70 times. Henry is a recipient of several awards including the Pope Benedict XVI Award. He is member of the Knights of Columbus, and a member on the Vatican "Centesimus Annus Pontifical Foundation" . 2019 International Director: Global 2033: a consortium of leaders and influencers catalyzing a movement for All Peoples to have an opportunity to hear the Gospel of Jesu Christ. www.global2033.org2010 Founder and CEO: Caritas in Veritate: an alliance inspired by Pope Benedict XVI to bring the Gospel and Aid to the poorest of the Poor. www.caritasinveritate.com1985 Founder and President: YAI International also known as Arise International, a ministry to bring faith to the next generation.

What is the ministry challenge keeping you up at night?

the urgency to bring the Gospel to all peoples

What is the greatest hope for God’s work in 2023 you’re dreaming about?

God is bringing his people, leaders and influencers, who share the same burden for the lost together - for a purpose; to effectively channel all energy and resources to fulfill the great commission

What is a non-ministry activity that brings you joy and energy?

traveling meeting people, and walking in countryside and swimming ( at sea)

What are the top 1-3 essentials for the Church in America to address to reach those who are spiritually open, but not yet following Jesus?

A clear proclamation of the kerygma; Move in the power of the Holy Spirit; A deeper understanding of the audience the church is addressing. ( a very changed audience)