World Vision
Edgar Sandoval
Edgar Sandoval has an unstoppable passion to see that every child –especially the most vulnerable – can experience life in all its fullness. Born in Los Angeles, he grew up in Latin America, returning to the U.S. alone at age 18 with just $50 in his pocket. He holds dual bachelor’s degrees in industrial engineering and sociology from Rutgers University and an MBA from the Wharton School of Business. Edgar has 20+ years of innovative leadership experience in corporate America, including directing the creation and launch of P&G’s internationally acclaimed #LikeAGirl campaign. As World Vision U.S.’s President and CEO since 2018, Edgar places a strong emphasis on the organization’s Christian identity and mission. He travels to some of the world’s hardest places to see firsthand the challenges for children in poverty. In 2019 he directed the launch of Chosen®, a new invitation into child sponsorship. Edgar and his wife, Leiza, have four children and live near Seattle, Washington.

What is the ministry challenge keeping you up at night?

Increasing needs (hunger, conflict, migration) and scarce resources; increasing love of self versus love of neighbor; the body of Christ being dismembered by divisions and culture wars.

What is the greatest hope for God’s work in 2023 you’re dreaming about?

That millions will join this journey: “Poverty + Jesus = New Creation”

What is a non-ministry activity that brings you joy and energy?

Coaching disadvantaged and talented youth.

What are the top 1-3 essentials for the Church in America to address to reach those who are spiritually open, but not yet following Jesus?

Individually reflect the fruits of the Spirit; collectively seek unity and grace (without compromising Truth); love our neighbors. If we do all three we will provoke the question of the hope that lives in us: Jesus.