Urban Strategies
Elizabeth Rios
Elizabeth Rios, is an Afro-Latina, native of Manhattan, NY. She is the pioneering Founder of Passion2Plant, one of the only national church planting networks in the U.S. founded by a woman, that trains Black and Brown planters to start holistically minded, justice-oriented churches. As well as the Passion Center, an online, justice-oriented, liberation driven training center based in South Florida. Dr. Rios also serves on the Church Multiplication Institute’s Missiologists Council at Wheaton College, a think tank for evangelism and church planting, Adjunct Faculty at Fuller Theological Seminary and serves as the Púlpito Fellows Program Director at Urban Strategies. Dr. Rios is skilled in teaching, preaching, and writing on women in ministry, organizational culture, civic activism and church planting. She discerned a call to ministry leadership at the age of 11 at her Assemblies of God church.Her articles have appeared in Sojourners, Influence, Called, and Christianity Today, Pentecostals and Charismatics for Peace and Justice and has been featured or quoted in The Atlantic, The Washington Post, Religion News Service, and Outreach Magazine. She is the author of Don’t Buy The Lie: Eradicating False Belief Systems That Keep You From Your Destiny (Ghetto Rose Publications, 2012). She has also contributed to many books including Rhythms of Rest: 40 Devotions for Women on the Move published by Our Daily Bread Publishing. Dr. Liz has been mentoring emerging women leaders and ministers since founding the Center for Emerging Female Leadership in NYC (1996-2001) and currently serves as a Senior Mentor in the R.E.A.L. Black Women in Ministry THRIVE initiative. She has a BA in Liberal Arts, an MA Management and has an earned EdD in Organizational Leadership from Nova Southeastern University and a DMin from Southeastern University and is currently pursuing an MA in Social Justice at Union Theological Seminary as a fully funded Social Justice Leadership Award Scholarship Recipient. She has been married to Rev. Hiram Rios for 33 years and is the proud mother of two boys, Samuel (25) and Daniel, her special needs angel now in heaven who transitioned on his 23rd birthday, 9/22/22. They reside in Miramar, FL.

What is the ministry challenge keeping you up at night?

so many but I would say the way the church in North America has embraced Christian Nationalism

What is the greatest hope for God’s work in 2023 you’re dreaming about?

To have holistic justice oriented churches birthed around the country

What is a non-ministry activity that brings you joy and energy?

Reading and cooking

What are the top 1-3 essentials for the Church in America to address to reach those who are spiritually open, but not yet following Jesus?

How the church handles grief; Christian nationalism; New ways of doing church