What is the ministry challenge keeping you up at night?
First and foremost, the deep need that keeps us up is the urgent need for people to know Jesus Christ in our culture AND also to trust in God's Word as Good and Given by God. This obviously spurs our ministry efforts on in every respect. Secondarily it would be the challenge to grow our team and financial support to a point of matching the fruit we are seeing globally and the work required to steward that fruit well.
What is the greatest hope for God’s work in 2023 you’re dreaming about?
We are dreaming of finishing our English & Spanish Audio Bibles, and beginning to serve other nations through the Streetlights Audio Bible in their native languages -beginning with Portugues for Brazil. Also we desire to effectively teach God's Word on difficult, but influential cultural topics that are affecting Gospel engagement and understanding. Lastly, we desire to surge Gospel engagement in cities all over the world through God's Word with other Kingdom partners who complement our efforts with their mission to move in power together in Gospel unity to serve the world with Christ's love.
What is a non-ministry activity that brings you joy and energy?
We love playing basketball, serving the needs in our local churches, and using music as a constant expression of the joy of Christ's love and his indwelling spirit in Alert312. Plus - we love our wives and kids!!! 🙂
What are the top 1-3 essentials for the Church in America to address to reach those who are spiritually open, but not yet following Jesus?
1. Give them God's Word in their heart language, in playable format that intersects their daily learning and can help expose them the Gospel story of God love OR deepen their roots in Christ through His Word. 2. Teach n a creative biblical way or facilitate dialogue relationally in order address topics that are often barriers to people understanding who Jesus really is revealed as in God's Word and truthfully but with grace point them to Him and his answers. 3. Collaborative Christian efforts done in love will show the unity of the Body of Christ - we believe this speaks to a people not of this world and loved by God as OUR TESTIMONY to those open to Him.