Zeal Church
Brandon Cormier
Brandon Cormier was born in the Cajun lands of Louisiana and raised by parents who were committed to serving God and the local church. Upon earning a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Brandon joined Youth With A Mission, eventually serving on the mission fields of Calcutta, India, and Capetown, South Africa. Not long after, Brandon obtained his Master of Divinity from Oral Roberts University, and met—and married—his best friend Octavia. Since their nuptials, the two have labored side by side in discipling and mentoring both the young and old within the church and in their home. Brandon has spent well over a decade in full-time ministry, having served at three different churches with a variety of roles ranging from youth pastor to interim director. Sensing a call from God in late 2018, they moved to Colorado Springs, Colorado to plant Zeal Church in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020. In three years, the church has ballooned to over 1,400 people in weekly attendance and is a local expression of a multicultural and multiethnic church within the body of Christ. Besides pastoring Zeal, Brandon is a sought after communicator who travels throughout the United States and overseas to train, equip, and inspire fellow Christians and pastors. Employing a broad variety of skill sets ranging from music, public speaking, and theatrical gifts, Brandon zealously articulates God’s Word in a transformational way that cuts to the core of his audience and pierces their heart. However, Brandon’s highest priority is to his wife, Octavia, and their four (yes, four!) children, Riyan, Norah, King, and Niyah. In his free time, Brandon enjoys beating his body and making it his slave at local Crossfit gyms.

What is the ministry challenge keeping you up at night?

Currently, it is ensuring we have the right team to serve a rapidly growing church in the middle of a building renovation--which we will be moving into in May of 2024.

What is the greatest hope for God’s work in 2023 you’re dreaming about?

My greatest hope is that we deeply disciple and spiritually form our congregation to lead the way in unity and deep love for one another as we prepare for another beloved American election year. :/

What is a non-ministry activity that brings you joy and energy?

Crossfit and (new hobby) golf.

What are the top 1-3 essentials for the Church in America to address to reach those who are spiritually open, but not yet following Jesus?

How our gospel should lovingly inform our politics and disagreement with those who see things differently from us.