Park Cities Baptist Church
Jeff Warren
Jeff is the Senior Pastor at the Park Cities Baptist Church. He studied graphic design and illustration and a Master’s degree in Theology and a Doctorate, with a focus on Christian apologetics. Jeff and his wife, Stacy, partner together in all things and they love spending time with their growing family. Jeff is a pastor, speaker, author, and artist, who has a singular message of God’s amazing grace. He is a champion for biblical justice and seeks to unite the Church across racial, economic, and cultural lines, in order to see a Gospel Movement across DFW, our nation, and the world. He passionately explores the intersection of faith and culture as he helps raise up the next generation of Christian leaders. He equips pastors and next generation leaders to fulfill their God-given vocations. He loves helping guide PCBC to lead all generations to love Jesus.

What is the ministry challenge keeping you up at night?

How to guide a multi-generational, multi-ethnic, multi-venue church to reach the next generation of disciples.

What is the greatest hope for God’s work in 2023 you’re dreaming about?

We've just finished casting a grand vision forward as a church totally united around making disciples as we pursue our long-range vision of PCBC as a Town Center, a hub of ministry that is equipping and sending every member into their vocational callings. We are an equipping and sending church members and interns, residents, and church planters (our of our Church Pastoral Center), to raise up young leader to serve this generation.

What is a non-ministry activity that brings you joy and energy?

Cycling and being outside, and hanging out with Stacy and our family.

What are the top 1-3 essentials for the Church in America to address to reach those who are spiritually open, but not yet following Jesus?

1. Train up disciples of Jesus who live fully present, focused, lives - with whomever God puts in front of us, and whatever need is before us (in the moment), to be non-anxious listeners, who love others as Jesus loves us. 2. Differentiate from partisan politics (and especially from an ethnic Christian Nationalism) in order to live as Christ's kingdom ambassadors ("exiles in Babylon"), through loving our neighbors and caring for their needs. 3. Live "questionable lives" (Newbigin), making people wonder why we live as aliens in a worried and hurried world - living out subversive habits that follow the Way of Jesus - Sabbath rhythms, detachment from screens/technology, establishing deep relationships, while living and loving like Jesus.